Red Stone Rice

Wisconsin’s First & Only Rice Farm

Not far from Milwaukee, the Mequon Nature preserve is home to the Red Stone Rice farming operation that grows a southern Russian variety, producing brown and white rice while using organic farming practices.


Cultural Connections: Hmong Farmers Visit Red Stone Rice


Four generations from a Hmong family partake in the seasonal rice harvest in an event at the Mequon rice paddy that is of cultural and spiritual significance. Traditionally, rice is the centerpiece of every meal. Red Stone Rice aims to be a cultural hub for groups with strong ties to rice culture including for ceremonial purposes, food, and drink.


Follow Michael’s journey as he continues to grow Red Stone Rice through community outreach and organic farming.


The Latest News & Education

The annual Red Stone Rice harvests are a community event and collaborative effort, to collect the rice from the paddy by hand, to cut, gather, to use the seed for planting the following year.